Thursday, June 13, 2013

Project Statement - Pre-construction

Hello everyone,

My name is Dr. Niman Shukairy and I am a dentist in Flushing, Michigan.  This is my blog on my project to build a new dental office, Flushing Family Dentistry.  This will mainly be a photo blog but I will also write out details of the project as we go along, God willing.  It should be helpful for anyone planning on construction of a new dental/medical office but also for my current patients and friends and family to keep up on this project.  Also, I want to keep a record of the construction process for my own records and information.

This project will involve the demolition of an existing house on the property.  This house is over 100 years old.  I purchase a few yrs ago with the intention of using the property for my new office as my current office is right next door.   We are just about ready to start.  Construction start date should be set by next week.

My current office:

A little background on my office.  I have been working at my current office in Flushing, Michigan since 2004.  The building that I eventually took over is 30+ yrs old as a dental office, not really sure.  It was a house at one point before being a dental office.  It served it's purpose but rooms are small and we need more space.  So I purchased the house next door when that came up for sale.   After several months with the drawing and planning stage, we are finally ready to get started.  Hopefully within a week to 10 days.

Here are pictures of the house to be torn down:

So stay tuned to my blog for updates once we get started.  This is exciting!